
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Front Showcase Features Multicultural Book Selection

Front show case

Some of you may have noticed the books in the front show case.  As a staff, our goal is to raise awareness of race and cultural differences within our community.  Using literature is one way to open conversations about these ideas.  Many of these books are library books and are able to be checked out by students.  The books in the showcase will change month by month to reflect the wealth of books written about diversity.

Allen Equity Team

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Safety Protocols 2013

Dear Allen Families,  

The district has met with the Ann Arbor Police Chief regarding security protocols in the school district and in the aftermath of the tragic events that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School, there is a need for following these security measures across the district:

1.  All exterior doors will remain locked throughout the entire school day - except for the door(s) that has been designated as the main entrance for schools that do not have a buzzer system.

2. All Staff must wear their identification badge at all times during the school day.

  1. All visitors must sign into the office and wear a visitor sticker.

4. All classroom doors must be locked at all times. 

  1. Adhere to the outlined safety plan for Allen.

Allen Elementary School has already had the above protocols in place for the past few years.   We will remain diligent in our efforts to provide a safe and educational learning environment for our students.    Your help in following our safety plan for signing in, and pick up and drop off of students is essential.

All the best,
Joan Fitzgibbon